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INFANT MASSAGE- one on one or group classes are available for parents and caregivers to learn the techniques endorsed by to promote nurturing touch and learning to communicate with your baby. 

DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY- physical therapy can help with tummy time, head control, sitting, reaching, crawling, pulling to stand and walking. We can give you the tools you need to help your child down the road to success. 

TORTICOLLIS & PLAGIOCEPHALY - these big words can be intimidating. Physical therapy is important to assess the cause of the condition as well as monitoring progress along the way. In these cases primary caregivers are the most important piece and physical therapy will be able to give you the tools to help your child. 

GAIT - a fancy word physical therapists like to use for walking. Maybe your child is not walking yet and you are worried why it's taking so long? Are you concerned that the way your toddler is walking "looks funny?"  Does your child have trouble getting back to running after an ankle sprain? All of these are valid questions and physical therapy can definitely help answer them!

COORDINATION - Difficulty with throwing and catching, jumping jacks, riding a bike, kicking a ball, hopping on one foot. All of these skills are important to childhood and can be difficult for a number of reasons. Muscles are important for movement, but the vision and vestibular systems also play significant roles in these higher level activities. Physical therapists are trained to address all sensory systems involved in high level coordination activities.  

DIAGNOSES: developmental delay without a diagnosed underlying cause, plagiocephaly, torticollis, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, down syndrome, hydrocephalus, CVA, skeletal dysplasia, autism, musculoskeletal injuries including breaks/sprains/strains/tears, spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy, osteogenesis imperfecta, hypotonia/hypertonia, congenital heart defects. 

Most importantly in physical therapy we are looking at how the patient is functioning and what is needed to improve that function. Medical history and diagnoses are important but are not what will drive a physical therapy plan of care. Improving function according to patient and family goals and needs are what is important. Please reach out for a short phone/email consultation to see if physical therapy can help your child!

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